Pre-Award Support
Provide professional support to customers within various Program Offices. Assignments involve integrating various policies, procedures and business practice functions containing a variety of complexities into contract documentation. Using knowledge of functional areas analyzes difficult issues and recommends course of action. Provides customers business recommendations, and provides edits to improve their pre-award documentation.
Award Analysis and Support
Perform the following tasks related to Acquisition Policy: the procurement analyst shall analyze difficult contracting issues, recommend a course of action, and then follow up on recommendation by drafting the necessary documentation to carry out the COA selected by the Government Contracting Officer; review and provide recommendations to program office customers on the adequacy of their requisition packages for compliance with administrative, regulatory, and procedural requirements and consistency with current market practices and conditions.
Provide professional support and business aid to the customer and provide support in pre-award and post-award functions (excluding negotiation), using a wide range of contracting methods and types, for complex and diversified federal requirements.
Perform market research/analysis to determine availability of the requirement; analyze market trends, conditions and technological advances; and recommend course of action, which may depart from previous approaches.
Review and provide recommendations of adequacy of requisition package for compliance with administrative, regulatory, and procedural requirements and consistency with current market practices and conditions.
Review and evaluate requisitions for which previous experience and cost data are not usually directly applicable, such as architectural design or construction of buildings involving unusual design features or site adaption.
Review procurement requests and provides recommendations on whether, based on market analysis, the requirement can be performed by small businesses; actively solicit Small business/Small Disadvantaged Business/Women Owned (SB/SDB/SWO) participation; Hub Zone consideration, and review for compliance subcontracting plans, if applicable,
Provide aid in the development of evaluation criteria to use in determining source selection and “best value” requests for proposal which include utilization of past performance data and technical qualifications for awards other than lowest price. Procurements usually involves a variety of complexities such as socioeconomic considerations, complex evaluation factors, difficult to define scopes of work, legal conditions, rigid deadlines, or incentives arrangements causing additional complications. Provides recommendations to resolve problems that limit competition.
Post-Award Administration
Provide support in the performance of post award contract management of highly complex, special or high-visibility, or otherwise unique or problematic contracts. Assist in assessing contractor performance for compliance with terms and conditions of contracts and notify the contracting officers of untimely submissions based on technical progress reports and performance metrics. Analyze proposals and advise contracting officer when the contractor proposal varies significantly from the original estimates. Additional tasks include:
Perform post award contract management actions on a group of contracts. Track contractor’s performance for compliance with terms and conditions of contracts and notify the contracting officer of untimely submissions based on technical progress reports and performance metrics.
Recommend appropriate action to expedite delivery of performance when required by mission changes, and prepare documentation to support chance orders as necessary.
Analyze price and cost elements of the proposed chance(s) and provide support when a formal audit is required. Analyze complex contract administration problems, e.g., disputes and labor violations.
Prepare recommended replies to other involved agencies, appeals boards, or congressional inquiries. Analyze difficult issues and identify alternative courses of action, which may depart from previous approaches.

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